別れ Parting Ways
(大聖堂 早朝)
Cathedral | Dawn
レア: ……すべて、終わったのですね。
Rhea: It is finished.
Well done, everyone. Because of you, her restless soul has finally found peace.
Professor... I imagine you have much on your mind.
Byleth: 自分の母は…… My mother...
レア: あなたの母が、あなたを産んだ日。私は、その場に立ち会っていました。
Rhea: I was there the day she brought you fourth into this world.
Sitri had always been frail. Giving birth proved to be too much for her in the end...
On that fated day, it looked as though neither of you would survive.
In those final moments, she spoke, saying, "My heart... Give it to my child."
Choice 1: 自分の心臓は初めから動かなかった? From the beginning, my heart wouldn't beat?
Choice 2: 母の心臓が自分を生かしてくれた? My mother's heart gave me life?
レア: ……あなたの胸の中には、あなたの母の心臓が埋まっているのです。
Rhea: That is correct. The heart that lies within your chest is none other than hers.
It was the only way that you could be saved.
But Sitri loved others, much as a human might―and I loved her in return.
Byleth: だから遺体を……? But why wasn't she buried?
レア: 私を母のように慕ってくれたあの子を、明るい未来を願っていたあの子を……
Rhea: Sitri looked upon me as though I was her mother, and I wished for her to have a bright future...
I would not have her buried in the cold, dark soil.
Prior to her funeral, I arranged for a fake burial. Afterward, I brought her body to Abyss, where I would sometimes visit her.
I never thought that anyone-―especially Aelfric―would find her. I did not expect for such a tragedy to ensue...
バルタザール: ……ユーリス。一つ、聞かせろ。
Balthus: Boss, there's something you gotta tell me.
Was Aelfric really just using us all that time?
ユーリス: そんなの知らねえよ。少なくとも、俺の前ではそうだった。
Yuri: How should I know? I mean, he always acted that way around me―like we were a means to an end.
But the church records indicate he founded the Ashen Wolf House 15 years ago.
He mentioned he found Sitri 10 years ago, so it seems he really did mean well, at first...
ハピ: そーいうの、やめようよ。……もういないんだからさ、あの人。
Hapi: What's done is done. He's gone, and we're here. That's what matters now.
コンスタンツェ: 随分と切り替えが早いんですのね。私も見習わなければなりませんわ。
Constance: You're always so quick to adapt to change, Hapi. I should follow your example.
ユーリス: ……そうだな。やるべきことは山ほどある。
Yuri: Heh, yeah, you always get to the heart of things quickly. Right, then. I've got a lot to take care of now.
I need to fill the church in on all the details about how things actually played out.
And with my people freed from the monastery prison, they'll need to be accounted for.
ハピ: ま、頑張って。応援してるし。
Hapi: Good luck with that whole mess. I'll be rooting for you from afar.
コンスタンツェ: 私たちにできることがあれば、細々と手伝わせていただきますわ。
Constance: Surely you'll let us know if there is any way at all we can help. We'd be just thrilled.
バルタザール: ああ、何ならお前の下についてる連中をおれの部下にして傭兵団でも一発……
Balthus: Hell, if you want, your people can be my people. I could use some good mercenaries to watch my back.
ユーリス: いや待て、好き放題言ってんじゃねえよ。悪いことをしたとは思ってるけどよ……
Yuri: Enough already. I get it.
ハピ: 身から出た錆じゃん。
Hapi: It's no less than you deserve.
コンスタンツェ: 自業自得ですわ。
Constance: What you have sown, now you shall reap!
バルタザール: 文句なら鏡に言いな。
Balthus: You made your bed, now shut up about it, pal.
ハピ: ふふっ。……そういえば、教団は、アビスをどうするんだろうね?
Hapi: Heh... Anyway, what do you figure will happen to Abyss? The church will want to step in, no doubt.
ユーリス: さあな。けど、こうなった以上そのままってわけにはいかねえだろう。
Yuri: You got me. After everything that's happened, thing's can't stay the same.
The church will probably assign an official to oversee things. Hopefully whoever they choose knows how to get along with Abyssians well.
バルタザール: おーい、そういうのはまた明日やろうぜ。今は流石に体を休めてえよ。
Balthus: Let's worry about all that some other time, yeah? I could really use a tall drink and a long sleep.
ハピ: 確かに。クッタクタだもんね。いろいろ痛いし。
Hapi: I'm with you. I hurt in places I didn't even know could hurt.
コンスタンツェ: 思えば、恐ろしく長い一日でしたわ。きっと忘れることはないでしょう……。
Constance: It has been a terribly long night, indeed. One I won't ever forget.
ユーリス: ……はは。本当に、良い朝だなあ……。
Yuri: A terribly long night, but a beautiful morning, haha.